MABFAN NEWSLETTER # 39 (December 2003)
Michael A. Burstein's "Friends Across the Net" Newsletter
As I sit here, writing this newsletter, the Boston area is still in the middle of one of the largest snowstorms we've had since...well, since February, but I got to ride that one out in New York City. Welcome to another issue, just a month after the previous one. There's one new story here, confirmation of my appearance in Cambridge next week, a follow-up to a hint I made last issue...and reminders for those of you who wish to participate in the science fiction awards process. Read on!
One new story is appearing this month:
- "Lifeblood." What happens when a vampire threatens a Jewish family? Can Lincoln Kliman convince the cantor of a small Orthodox Jewish congregation to save his son? What's the big secret Kliman is hiding? And can one really turn a vampire by brandishing a star of David? This story has just been published in the DAW Books anthology _NEW VOICES IN SCIENCE FICTION_ edited by Mike Resnick. It's a nice-looking volume, with stories by a lot of the great new writers, including my one-time collaborator Shane Tourtellotte. Personally, I'd be buying it even if I wasn't in it.
As a reminder, the two stories that I mentioned last month are still available:
- "The New Breed," in MEN WRITING SCIENCE FICTION AS WOMEN, edited by Mike Resnick and published by DAW Books. Find out what the world has become when an alien race is encouraging human women to breed alien-human hybrids, and what one woman chooses to do about it...
- "Decisions," in the January/February 2004 double issue of ANALOG. Why is a deep-space astronaut locked away in a plain room and allowed no contact with anyone as soon as he returns from his mission?
- "Pedagogy." How does an alien fare as a teacher of human children when the Interspecies Teacher Training program recruits him to teach Science? This story will appear in the DAW Books anthology _I, ALIEN_ edited by Mike Resnick, scheduled for early 2004.
Last issue, I dropped the hint of a title of a story I was hoping to have more news about, "Time Ablaze." I am pleased to announce that "Time Ablaze," my first solo novella since "Reality Check" (Analog, November 1999), will be appearing in the June 2004 ANALOG. I'm hoping to have even more to say about that, but I do want to leave a few surprises for later...
- Cafe Scientifique - "Turning Science into Science Fiction" with Tom Easton (Cambridge, MA; Monday, December 15, 2003, at 6 PM). I can now confirm that this event will take place at the John Harvard Brew House, 33 Dunster Street, Harvard Square. Tom and I are planning a lively discussion, including a live demonstration of the process. If you're local, please come join us! I'll be giving out free copies of one of my stories. More information about Cafe Scientifique in general can be found at and at
- And, of course, I'll be at Arisia (Boston, MA; January 16-18, 2004; more information at, Boskone (Boston, MA; February 13-15, 2004; more information at, and Noreascon 4 (Boston, MA; September 2-6, 2004;; join now to nominate and vote in the Hugo Awards, and see below).
As the calendar year comes to an end, the time for the science fiction awards process begins. I'd like to take a moment to remind all my regular readers of two awards that you can have a voice in deciding.
- The Analytical Laboratory Award, or AnLab, is the award given by the readers of ANALOG magazine for the best work in the previous calendar year. I've won once, for "TeleAbsence" (Analog, July 1995), my first published story. This year, the only story I have eligible is "Paying It Forward" (Analog, September 2003, novelette). I encourage any and all regular readers of ANALOG to vote. According to the latest issue, you can vote by going to their webpage at, but at the moment they don't seem to be set up for it. I'm sure they'll do so soon. The deadline for voting is February 2, 2004, and I'll have more information in the next issue.
- The Hugo Awards. These awards are given every year by the members of the World Science Fiction Convention -- in short, anyone who chooses to join. The 2004 convention, Noreascon 4, will be held in Boston for the first time since 1989. The Hugo process begins with a nominating ballot which is due back by the end of March 2004, but in order to participate, you have to join the convention before the end of January 2004. If you're interested in finding out more, check out, and next month I'll point you towards more detailed information about the Hugos.
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-- Michael A. Burstein